Summer Risks and Laminitis

Summer Risks and Laminitis

During summer months, the sunlight shining on the grass can increase photosynthesis, which boosts sugar levels in the grass. The sugars are not synthesised into fibres for growth as much when there is no rain, and as the growth happens overnight, sugar volumes are high during summer days. These high sugar volumes can initiate an insulin response when consumed, which increases the risk for laminitis.

Any type of pony, donkey or horse can get laminitis, but there are certain factors that increase risk - the main one being that they are overweight. This increases risk as it increases the chance that they are insulin resistant, which means they produce more insulin and blood pressure rises. The increased blood pressure can mean that laminae do not get adequate blood supply, causing laminitis.

Lamigard TRT is a supplement for horses and ponies that is highly effective at supporting healthy horse feet, and it complements a careful feeding programme. It can be used at high levels for short periods of time, or long-term at a maintenance dose. It is available as a solution and as pellets.