
One of the most common questions we get on our technical helpline relates to sugar levels in our supplements. There is a common misconception that sugar is always bad. Actually, sugar is a necessary energy source for all cells (including...
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  The old saying ‘no foot, no horse’ is so true. Keeping the hoof healthy can go a long way to preventing lameness but this constant wet weather we have been seeing can be a real challenge for the hoof....
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Coughing is the body’s way of removing mucus, dust and dirt from the airways. Normally, the horse’s own defences, such as the mucociliary escalator, remove the particles as they enter the upper airways, preventing the particles from reaching the sensitive...
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New Years Eve is fast approaching and for many horses it is a stressful time of year, with the fireworks. Horses are naturally prey animals and their natural response when scared by loud noises and flashes is flight, as they perceive...
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